Asset protection is one of the fastest growing areas of the law. Why? For one thing, we live in a society in which people seem to bring lawsuits against one another over matters that might seem frivolous on the surface. The problem is, you never know what a jury might decide, even in cases that appear patently ridiculous. Another factor in the growth of asset protection is that some people need protection from themselves and their own poor decisions. Many of our high net worth clients are deeply concerned about their heirs’ inability to manage large sums of money on their own, whether due to immaturity, drug or alcohol problems, a spendthrift son or daughter in law, and other reasons.

All of this helps explain why it is so important for affluent families to have an effective asset protection plan of their own. At Christine C. Weiner, as Dana Point Asset Protection Attorney, we provide the guidance that individuals, families and owners of closely held companies need in order to understand the risks they face, and we design creative, comprehensive asset protection plans to protect against potential liabilities. We also work closely with your existing advisors to develop and implement these plans.

As Dana Point Asset Protection Attorney, our depth of experience in asset protection law and mastery of the sophisticated strategies and tools associated with it make us particularly adept at meeting the needs of high net worth families. We can incorporate all of the following and more to design the plan that is best-suited to your particular situation:

  • Equity stripping and asset isolation strategies to minimize the risks posed by potential predators and ensure your privacy
  • Domestic trusts designed to safeguard assets from predators.
  • Offshore trusts. These can allow you to enjoy numerous tax advantages not available in the United States, as well as keep your assets safe from the jurisdiction of U.S. courts
  • Offshore and domestic business entity formation

One of the most commonly asked questions at our seminars and introductory client meetings concerns the professions and types of family situations that are particularly vulnerable to lawsuits. Every situation is unique, of course, but here is a partial list:

  • Physicians, dentists and other medical professionals
  • Certified public accountants
  • Financial advisors
  • Attorneys
  • Architects and engineers
  • Business owners and sellers of businesses
  • Officers and Directors of public companies
  • Real estate investors
  • High net worth individuals
  • Children of wealthy parents

If you or someone you love fits into any of the above categories, chances are you need a solid asset protection plan. Please contact us to learn how we can help protect everything you have worked so hard to achieve and everyone you love.